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St. Magdalene

25 years old
40 %
Distilled 1965
Bottled 1990
Proprietors: John Hopkins & Co, Ltd
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

28 years old
Distilled 1965
Bottled 1993
Proprietors: John Hopkins & Co, Ltd
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

28 years old
Distilled 1966
Bottled 1994
Proprietors: John Hopkins & Co, Ltd
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

30 years old
Distilled 1966
Bottled 1996
Proprietors: Jihn Hopkins & Co, Ltd
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

16 years old
40 %
Distilled 1981
Bottled 1997
Proprietors: John Hopkins & Co, Ltd
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

11 years old
62,6 %
Cask Strenght
Distilled December 1982
Bottled February 1994
No Additives
Not Chill Filtered
No Colouring
Wm. Cadenhead, 32 Unionstreet, Campbeltown

14 years old
58.7 %
Cask Strenght
Distilled December 1982
Bottled January 1997
No Additives
Not Chill Filtered
No Colouring
Wm. Cadenhead, Campbeltown

23 years old
58.1 %
Natural Cask Strenght
Distilled 1970
Limited Bottling
J. & G. Stewart, Edinburgh

St. Magdalene lies near Linlithgow Palace, the birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots, and has the famous Linlithgow water as its source. The distillery operated from the late eighteenth century until the 1980s.
This particular malt was distilled in 1970 using the direct fired stills. It has a fruity, syrupy character which makes an ideal aperitif.

19 years old
Natural Cask Strenght
Distilled 1979
Bottled October 1998
Limited Edition
Genummerde flessen
J. & G. Stewart, Edinburgh

St. Magdalene licensed by 1797 but possibly producing at Linlithgow much earlier, St. Magdalene has ling closed and is now very rarely found.
On tasting, a very aromatic, grassy nose entices you into the malty, liquorice -like flavours of an unusually big-boned Lowland malt with a surpirisngly robust, peaty finish

11 years old
Date Distilled Mar 80
Date Bottled May 92
Society Cask No. code 49.4
The Scotch Malt Whisky Society,
The Vaults, Leith, Edinburgh

15 years old
40 %
Gordon & Macphail
100 Years of Quality and Exellence
1895 - 1995
Distilled 1980
Bottled 1995
Proprietors: John Hopkins & Co, Ltd
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

19 years old
40 %
A special single malt scotch whisky
Lowland Malt Scotch Whisky
Distilled 1982
Bottled 2001
Proprietors: John Hopkins & Co, Ltd.
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

16 years old
64.8 %
Date Distilled Oct 82
Date Bottled Sept 99
Society Cask No. code 49.10
626 bottles
The Scotch Malt Whisky Society,
The Vaults, Leith, Edinburgh
'Fairies dancing on the tonque'

From a Lowland distillery built on the site of a mediaval hospital, now sadly closed and turned into flats, this is very pale for a 16 year old. The nose is easy, a classic Lowland. With water it was tangy and surprisingly peaty.
Tasting was a bolt from the blue. It felt in the mouth like a spritzer. Tight light bubbles - vino verde. Like fairies dancing on your tonque. It was a summertime drink. To swig while waiting for lunch (cooked by someone else). It's a ingenue's malt. And everybody needs to be an ingenue once in a while.
Easy. Unchallenging. Pleasant with a reasonable bitterness. It's a leisure drink. Don 't discuss it. Define it. Dissect it. Just enjoy.

24 years old
A Single Cask Bottling
Distilled June 1978
Bottled December 2002
504 Bottles
No Chill Filtration
No Colouring
Douglas Laing & Co, Ltd, Glasgow

30 years old
43 %
Lowland Single Malt Scotch Whisky
A Special Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Distilled: 1975
Bottled: 2005
Proprietors: John Hopkins & Co, Ltd
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

32 years old
43 %
Lowland Single Malt Scotch Whisky
A Special Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Distilled; 1975
Bottled 2007
Proprietors; John Hopkins & Co, Ltd
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

31 years old
46 %
Distilled 1982
Bottled 2013
LOT NO: RO /13 / 01
This exclusive Lot is Limited
to 308 Bottles
Natural Colour
Non Chill Filtered Selected,
Matured and Bottled by
Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

Since 1895 Gordon & Macphail has worked with the majority of Scotland’s distilleries and
today, matures, selects and bottles some of the world’s finest and rarest Singl Malt Scotch Whiskies.

Founded in the late eighteenth century by Sebastian Henderson, the distillery was first licensed
to Adam Dawson of Bonnytown in 1797.
St. Magdalene was mothballed in 1983 and was later sold for residential redevelopment.

The only sign of the distillery that remains today is its pagoda.

Subtle Sherry influences with ripe plum and pear aromas. The palate has a delicate spiciness
initially, with green apple, orange peel and marzipan flavours.

33 years
46 %

A Special Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Distilled 1982
LOT No. RO / 15 / 05
Bottled 2015
Natural Colour
Non Chill Filtered
Selected, Matured & Bootled
By Gordon & Macphail, Elgin

Ripe plum, pear and beeswax aromas, complemented by a subtle aniseed
note. A delicate spiciness on the palate with ripe banana, orange and mar –
zipan flavours.

St. Magdalene founded in the late eighteenth century by Sebastian Hen –
derson, the distillery was first licensed to Adam Dawson of Bonnytown
in 1797. St. Magdalene was mothballed in 1983 and was later sold for
residential redevelopment.

also see Linlithgow

Linlithgow, West Lothian. Licentiehouder: John Hopkins & Co, Ltd. Onderdeel van Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd. (S.M.D.) De malt divisie van The Distillers Company Ltd, later United Distillers Ltd.

In 1983 gesloten en ontmanteld.

De naam komt van een stuk land dat bekend staat als St. Magdalene's Cross.

Er stond heel vroeger een ziekenhuis voor de verpleging van melaatsen dat was gesticht door The Knights Templar of St. John of Torphichen, later stond hier een klooster St. Magdalene's Convent, ook Lazar House genoemd.

De eerste distilleerderij die te Linlithgow werd gebouwd was Bulzion, die rond 1755 in produktie ging.

Mains of Maines was een andere distilleerderij die hier stond (1795 - 1855).

In 1790 bouwde Adam Dawson zijn Bonnytoun distilleerderij, hij was toen al in het bezit van een distilleerderij vlakbij Falkirk.

Er was ook nog een distilleerderij, Loch genaamd, naar het nabijgelegen Linlithgow Loch, deze distilleerderij moet zijn gebouwd in 1825.
Ongeveer 1796 huurde Sebastian Henderson een stuk land naast Bonnytoun van de Countess of Dalhousie en begon ook een distilleerderij.
Op zeker moment stonden er in Linlithgow niet minder dan vijf distilleerderijen met een licentie.

Adam Dawson kocht Sebastion Henderson uit in 1800, en omdat St. Magdalene de betere van de twee distilleerderijen was, ging Dawson met de laatste verder.

St. Magdalene floreerde, expandeerde en absorbeerde Bonnytoun. Op 6 November 1894 werd de N.V. A. & J. Dawson Ltd opgericht.

De whiskymarkt was nu bijna op zijn hoogtepunt, er werden nieuwe distilleerderijen geopend, bestaande vergroot tot op 8 Juni 1899 de zeepbel klapte, ingeluid door het frauduleuze bankroet van de Pattisons.

Op 17 April 1912 moest A. & J. Dawson zijn faillisement aanvragen.

Een nieuwe N.V. werd opgericht op 16 November 1912 met de oude naam A. & J. Dawson Ltd.

En zoals toen gebruikelijk werd de Distillers Company Ltd, (D.C.L.), in dit geval samen met John Walker & Sons Ltd, eigenaar van St. Magdalene.

J.A.R. Dawson was de derde aandeelhouder.

Dit proces van sluiten, fuseren, bankroet gaan, samenwerken zou tot aan de tweede wereldoorlog voortduren: te grote voorraden, geen geld, de eerste wereldoorlog, de Amerikaanse drooglegging, de economische crisis in de jaren dertig.

De Distillers Company Ltd, nam bedrijven over, sloot distilleerderijen, saneerde en zo overleefde de Schotse whisky industrie, zij het gedecimeerd, deze lange periode.

Op 28 Juli 1914 werd de Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd gevormd, om, toen ook al, vraag en aanbod met elkaar in overeenstemming te brengen.

Van de oorspronkelijke vijf Lowland distilleerderijen is alleen Glenkinchie nog in bedrijf.

St. Magdalene kwam pas aan het eind van de tweede wereldoorlog weer in bedrijf.
St. Magdalene sloot in 1983.
St. Magdalene is deels omgebouwd tot een appartementencomplex.
St. Magdalene had vier ketels.

De turf kwam van Falkirk en Slamanan, het water kwam uit Loch Lomond.

Situated on a historical site, St. Magdalene Distillery was founded next door to Bonnytoun Distillery, Linlithgow, in approximately 1798, by Sebastian Henderson.

The owners of Bonnytoun, The Dawson Family, quickly took over St. Magdalene and merged the two distilleries into one. The annual output from St. Magdalene's five stills was 200.000 proof gallons.

One of five distilleries in Edinburgh, St. Magdalene amazingly the longest surviving of all the Lowland distilleries, unlike other distilleries in the area, some of which lasted twenty to thirty years and some for only one single year.

St. Magdalene Distillery made good use of the transport opportunities which were many, including road, rail and canal.

The same family ran the distillery until 1912 when it was liquidated. Two years on it was purchased by D.C.L. and then became one of the original five distilleries of Scottish Malr Distillers, along with Clydedale, Glenkinchie, Grange and Rosebank.

S.M.D. ran the distillery until 1983 when it was earmarked for closure along with several others.

The buildings were bought soon after the closure By a developer, and converted into luxury flats.

October 2005
Diageo has announced that its 2005 Annual Rare Malts Selection will be the last.
The collection will consist of four cask strenght single malts from closed distilleries; Glen Mhor 28 years old, Millburn 35 years old, Glendullan 26 years old and Linkwood 30 years old.
Dr. Nicholas Morgan, global malts marketing director commented: 'As the Special Releases are now well established, it makes less sence to continue selecting and promoting a parallel series of Rare Malts with his own separate indentity'.
In future, all premium and rare whiskies will be made available in the annual Special Re-leases series.

Linlithgow, West Lothian.
Linlithgow was a centre of milling and malting in the seventeenth century, and for brewing a
and distilling in the eighteenth.

The raw materials for these processes were close at hand: barley in the Lothians, and inex-
haustible local sources of water.

"The vast copiousness of water at Linlithgow", Black's Picturesque Tourist of Scotland
noted in 1844, "is alluded to in the following well-known rhyme: "Lithgow for wells, Glas-
gow for bells, Peebles for clashes and lees and Falkirk for beans and peas"

The distillery's early history is obscure. It is said to have been founded in the eighteenth
century by Sebastian Henderson, on the lands of St. Magdalene's Cross, the former site of
an annual fair and of St. Magdalene Hospital (which treated lepers).

Adam Dawson of Bonnytoun was the licensed distiller in 1797. He was the spokesman of
the Lowland distillers in their campaign against the exemptions granted to Highland distil-
lers by the Board of Exise.

The Dawsons were also brewers and maltsters. A list of Scottish brewers in 1825 included
Adam Dawson, Bathgate Brewery, and Adam & John Dawson, West End, Linlithgow.

A. & J. Dawson succeeded Adam Dawson at St. Magdalene in 1829
Colonel Ramage Dawson, the managing partner for many years, died in 1892. He had other
interests such as the estate Balladn, Kinross-shire, where he resided, "extensive and valuable
coffee plantations in Ceylon", and the colonelcy of the Haddiagton Artillery. St. Magdalene's
ownership by a private company did not long survive him.

A. & J. Dawson was incorporated as a limited liability company on 6 November 1894. It had
capital of 70.000 pounds divided into 2800 prefeerence and 4200 ordinery shares of 10 pounds.

The first directors were J.A. Ramage Dawson, J.M. Crabbie, spirit merchant of Leith, and George
Robertson, wine merchant of Edinburgh

Additions to the buildings and improvements in the equipment were made from time to time to
meet increasing demand for the product.

Then intense competition among the Lowland distillers brought about an unfavourable turn in the
company's affairs. On 17 april 1912, creditors presented a petition to wind up A. & J. Dawson Ltd.
on the ground that is was insolvent and unable to pay its debts. A liquidator was accordingly appointed.
The Distillers Company Limited (D.C.L.) of Edinburgh was offered the opportunity to buy the
distillery, either on its account or in partnership with others. Eventually it agreed to aquire all
assets and to assume all liabilities, on certain condition

A new company, also called A. & J. Dawson Ltd was incorporated on 16 November 1912
With a capital of 60.00 pounds, divided into 20.000 preference shares, all taken up J.A.
Ramage Dawson and 40.000 ordinary shares, taken up by him, the Distillers Company Limited
(D.C.L.) and John Walker and Sons Ltd, Scotch whisky blenders of Kilmarnock.

The new owners opened up negotiations with other Lowland distillers which resulted in the
amalgamation of five Lowland distillery companies, including Dawson's, as Scottish Malt
Distillers Ltd, in July of 1914.

The front of St. Magdalene Distillery was situated upon the main road from Edinburgh to

The economy of its communications must have been immrnsely enhanced by the completion
in 1822 of the Edinburgh & Glasgow Union Canal, and by the opening of Linlithgow Station
on the railway line linking the two cities in 1842.

Alfred Barnard, a perceptive observer, noted in The Whisky Distilleries of the United Kingdom,
in 1887, that St. Magdalene had its own wharf on the canal, which runs along
the back of the distillery, for unloading barge-borne coke and coal. Water from the canal was
used for driving an overshot water-wheel for supplying steam and for fire-fighting.

The movement of raw materials was largely merchandised. The main means of power must
have been the "handsome beam engine of 20 h.p." which almost certainly drove the malt mill,
the mashing machine and the heavy stirring gear in the mash-tuns.

One donkey engine drove the switchers in the washbacks and another was used for pumping.

The water wheel worked the rummagers in the wash stills. A gas engine of 2 h.p. supplied the
Power for joisting barley to the top op the West Maltings which had five storeys: one used as
a granuary, two as malting floors and two as duty-free warehouses.

The East Maltings was smaller with four storeys. There was a total of 19 warehouses, including
One of the "enormous proportions", built in brick on the other side of the Edinburgh road where
there was a frontage of 600 feet to the railway

A trade journal reported in 1927 that S.M.D. had equipped the distillery with the most effective
labour-saving appliances, all driven by electricity. Malting was carried out on open floors, by
manual techniques, and mechanically, in pneumatic drums.

Samples of barley on offer to all S.M.D. distilleries were tested in a laboratory on the premises.

The maltings continued to work throughout the economic depression of the 1930s when produc-
tion of whisky at St. Magdalene and many other distilleries ceased for many years.

Distillation was restarted after the end of World War II.

The furnaces of St. Magdalene's four pot stills, which had previously been fired by hand, were
equipped with a mechanical coal stoking system in 1961.

Coal , which had been carried on the canal before the war, was delivered by road until 1971,
when the stills were converted to internal heating by steam from a oil-fired boiler

Casks of whisky were sent by road to Bathgate Station and barley was delivered by the same
means in reverse until 1968, when S.M.D. began to supply its Lowland distilleries with malt
made at its large modern mechanised maltings at Glenesk Distillery, near Montrose.

St. Magdalene's maltings then went out of use.

St. Magdalene takes its process water from Linlithgow's domestic supply, which comes from
the Loch Lomond.

The distillery has its own reservoir on the other side of the canal.

Water from the canal is used for cooling purposes only

The distillery was closed in 1983 due to overproduction and has since been redeveloped for
residential use.

Sebastian Henderson founds the distillery
Adam Dawson, proprietor of the distillery
Bonnytoun in Linlithgow, buys the distillery
A. & J. Dawson is formed and the distillery
is expanded
A. & J. Dawson goes in liquidation and
Distillers Company Limited (D.C.L.)
purchases St. Magdalene        
St. Magdalene is one of the five founders
of Scottish Malt Distillers (S.M.D.).
The others
are Clydesdale, Glenkinchie, Rosebank
and Grange
Extensive repair work takes place
Floor maltings is closed
The distillery is closed
St. Magdalene 1970 (23 years)
is released as a Rare Malt
St. Magdalene 1979 (19 years)
is released as a Rare Malt
Ouput was about 1.000.000 Ltrs

Douglas Laing & Co, Ltd
Douglas House 18, Lynedoch Crescent, Glasgow
In 1949 Fred Douglas Laing established Douglas Laing & Co primarily as a blender and bottler for his Scotch Whisky blends The King of Scots and House of Peers, which are available today internationally.
Large stocks and reserves of aging Malts in particular, were laid down by Mr. Laing, many being guarded for 25 - 30 years specifically for the older blends such as the 25 and 30 Year Old KING OF SCOTS.
With more than 50 different Malts in stock, over the last 50 years from filling programme, it was obvious that the Malt Master would have certain favourites. These have variously been chalked off the times of regular quality control, as being of particular qualitative interest; both commercially, and for the pleasure of the Directors. It has been their particular perk, benefit and privelege to nose and taste some of the finest quality samples indicative of the Distillers's art.
It was judged by the two current owners/directors (sons of the founder, so nepotism is not dead!) that some of these stocks were 'too good to blend'. And so the OLD MALT CASK selection was developed in 1999 to extend those perks and benefits beyond the Director's tasting suite!
Initially it was felt that 50 different Malts commemorating the Company's 50th Anniversary would be approciate. That tally has now been exeeded but our preferred strenght of 50 X ale/vol is maintained. We believe this strenght creates a fine, round, full quality for various Malts when taken 'neat'. It also allows the regular consumer to know precisely how much or little water should be added to this artisan and craftman's distillate.
These selected Malt Whiskies have waited many years to reach their classic heights of qua-lity. Not only with your health in mind, but with a view to greater enjoyment, may we suggest that in the style of the founder, whose signature endorses your Malt, you enjoy its glass leisurely and slowly.
Douglas Laing

Founded in the late eighteenth century by Sebastian Henderson, the distillery was first licensed
to Adam Dawson of Bonnytown in 1797.
St. Magdalene was mothballed in 1983 and was later sold for residential redevelopment.
The only sign of the distillery that remains today is its pagoda.

Close to the Union Canal, from which it drew water for cooling and operate the waterwheel
Process water was drawn from from a hilltop spring and a 300 - ft deep artesian well and a
other spring from close to the distillery as a stand by water spring.

Peat came from moors near Falkirk and Slamannan

Washbacks 14 each 6500 gallon capacity,
a wash charger à 9000 gallon and 5 stills
with a total capacity of 14.500 gallons.
The output was between 200- and 225000 gallons.

There were 4 exisemen and 40 staff

Lost 18th century malt distillery that was also known as Linlithgow.

St Magdalene, or Linlithgow as it was also known, was a sizeable distillery occupying a prime position between the Union Canal and railway line. The distillery benefitted not only from its own rail sidings but its own wharf as well, where coal and coke were landed to fire St Magdalene’s stills. Water from the Union Canal was used for cooling, though process water was drawn from an artesian well on-site.

When it was eventually acquired by DCL St Magdalene was a relatively large distillery, with 14 washbacks, five stills (two wash; three low wines), three worm tubs, 19 warehouses and the capacity to produce over 1 million litres of alcohol per year. At the time of whisky writer Alfred Barnard’s visit in the later 19th century, he noted some ‘very old’ whisky stored in the warehouses, distilled in 1875 and 1877, and some older. He would have been surprised by the age of some stocks available today, albeit in limited quantities.

Although most of the distillery’s whisky was destined for blending, it has been bottled by independents under both the St Magdalene and Linlithgow brands. Diageo released two official bottlings as part of its Rare Malts series in the 1990s – a 23-year-old 1970 vintage, and a 19-year-old 1979 vintage. A 30-year-old bottling named Linlithgow was also released in 2004 as part of Diageo’s Special Releases for that year.

At one time the royal burgh of Linlithgow was home to five distilleries, and though it was St Magdalene that outlasted them all, its whisky-producing days are gone.

St Magdalene was built in the mid-18th century by Sebastian Henderson, to oppose the construction of Bulzion distillery that appeared a few years earlier. Henderson had rented the lands of St. Magdalene’s Cross convent from the Countess of Dalhousie to build the distillery.

In 1798 the distiller and provost Adam Dawson, who already operated the adjacent Bonnytoun distillery, bought St Magdalene and transferred his operation across. Dawson’s business soon grew so that St. Magdalene absorbed the original Bonnytoun site, stretching out across 10 acres of land.

St Magdalene remained in family ownership until the early 20th century under A&J Dawson, which was incorporated as a limited company in 1895.

By 1912, facing intense competition and a decline in the market, A&J Dawson went into liquidation. The business was purchased from the liquidators by Distillers Company Ltd (DCL) and licensed to William Greer & Co.

Two years later it became one of the original five distilleries comprising Scottish Malt Distillers, along with Rosebank, Glenkinchie, Clydesdale and Grange distilleries.

DCL continued the operation of St Magdalene throughout the 20th century, though the distillery became one of nine permanently closed by the company in 1983.

The distillery was renovated into residential flats in the early 1990s, though its malting barn and kiln, which are registered as C Grade listed buildings, remain. St Magdalene’s pagoda roof is the last reminder of the burgh’s distilling heritage.

1997 - present
United Distillers
1986 - 1997
Distillers Company Limited
1912 - 1986
A&J Dawson
1829 - 1912
Adam Dawson
1798 - 1829
Sebastian Henderson
c1753 - 1798

Scoring explained >
St. Magdalene 37 Years Old, 1982,
Private Collection (Gordon & Macphail)
Single malt whisky
Fragrant & Floral
This couldn’t be more different to the other pair. Lifted and softly fruited: overripe canteloupe melon, dried flowers and still a memory of meadow hay. Yet there’s also evidence of long maturation in a slightly disinterested cask: wax crayon, peach stone and fennel pollen, then a burst of dried citrus peels. When water is added, you get a burst of waxiness, golden syrup and linen freshness – even some unripe pineapple – before its age is revealed once again as a suede-like element emerges. It’s flirting with rancio - but isn’t quite there yet.

All of those still remarkably sharp, almost sherbety, citrus elements are there at the front before things soften into fruit syrup with that grass/vetiver quality you (or, to be more precise, I) get from old St Magdalene in the background which adds an almost smoky edge to the sweet and by now lightly oxidised fruit. With water there’s hints of manzanilla pasada, pear and melon panna cotta and hints of tropical fruits.

Gentle, quiet and fruity.

Balanced, refined and untroubled by oak and therefore filled with a sense of liberation.

‘New Scenes Of Joy come crowding on…

Home>Shop>Rosebank 30 Year Old - Release One
Rosebank 30 Year Old - Release One
Wonderfully crisp and creamy with soft, floral aromas, vanilla, mint and gentle syrup on the palate and a spiced pear finish. A hand selected 30 Year Old Vintage laid down in 1990 and specially selected as a classic example of the distillery's peerless smooth character.

Rosebank 30 Year Old is a hand-selected vintage, laid down in 1990, shortly before the distillery's untimely closure in 1993. The limited-edition bottles will be marked Release One, a nod to this new chapter in Rosebank's legacy.

Only 4,350 bottles are available worldwide, with this rare whisky marking a new chapter in our legacy. Each year will see a new limited-edition release, laddering up to our first “new” Rosebank spirit.

Release One has sold out. Join our mailing list to be the first to know about upcoming releases.

hop>Rosebank 31 Year Old - Release Two
Rosebank 31 Year Old - Release Two
This alluringly light and vibrant 31 Year Old leads with citrus bursts, soft vanilla and candied almonds. Camomile, berry and baked banana grace the palate, with a signature smooth finish of sweet peach, oak and herbal notes. The second in the global series of legacy Rosebank releases epitomises the qualities that earned Rosebank reverence as 'The King of the Lowlands’.

Rosebank’s owners eventually released a single malt, but it was too late to save the distillery. Its fate lay with the big blends it supplied, and with too much blended whisky in the market, Rosebank closed in 1993, despite its revered malt distillation, and being renowned as the ‘King of the Lowlands’. For the late whisky guru, Michael Jackson who never doubted Rosebank was (and is) one of the greats, it was “a grievous loss”. Hopes of its revival faded with every passing year, and when copper thieves broke in and destroyed the stills in 2008, it was surely Rosebank R.I.P?

Absence makes the heart grow fonder – and that was never more true than with Rosebank. While the distillery sat cold and forlorn, the glow around its old whiskies was growing warmer. It was part of a range of rare malts called Flora & Fauna – a name conjured up by the late, great whisky guru, Michael Jackson, and inspired by Rosebank.

His belief that the distillery’s closure in 1993 was “a grievous loss” was shared by a growing band of whisky lovers who had been lucky enough to taste old Rosebank. With weeds sprouting from the gutters and a colourful bloom of graffiti spreading across the walls, the distillery was crumbling, yet some dreamt it could be saved.

Among the dreamers was the whisky writer, Dave Broom. “I suppose we’re all romantics,” he says, of his feelings at the time. “We all want these things to come back … and with Rosebank, it was still there. But I think when the stills were nicked everyone went ‘That’s it. It’s over’.”

This rare bottling has been drawn from casks that were salvaged before the distillery’s untimely closure in the early 1990s.

The 31 Year Old is comprised of scarce stocks from just before Falkirk site was mothballed in ‘93.  Despite spending over three decades in casks, the Lowland single malt retains a bright and zesty nose, with hints of lime and lemongrass.

This light, vibrant profile continues onto the palate, where mint and chamomile are met with more robust notes of leather and banana bread. The dram finishes with long herbal notes, sweet peaches, and a hint of oak.

Rosebank remained in family hands until the First World War when it became part of the Distillers Co. whose famous blends swallowed almost all it produced. But some of its delicious, triple-distilled whisky trickled out for local enjoyment, and some was bottled by independent bottlers. Rosebank’s reputation as the “King of the Lowlands” was growing.
Our Journal>15th Anniversary of the Theft of our Iconic Stills


11 JANUARY 2024

This month marks the 15th anniversary of the theft of our iconic Rosebank stills.

It was between Christmas and January 15 Years ago that the distillery was the victim of this soulless crime. The beating heart of the distillery, our copper pot stills, were stolen, never uncovered and never found.

This audacious act threatened to mark the end of Rosebank's legacy. But, like the phoenix, the new distillery has risen!

Our new copper pot stills mirror the blueprints from the original - the perfect symbol for our irrepressible spirit. After being closed for over three decades, in June we celebrated our first distillation runs and the filling of cask no. 001.

And in 2024 we will be celebrating the official reopening of Rosebank Distillery, including our new visitor centre.

So here's to a year filled with new beginnings and the enduring legacy of a distillery that refused to be silenced

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