the one and only Scotch Whisky Bar + TeXel single malt- single cask whisky's
proud to be the original
timeless journey
an exploration of a world of fine Scotch single malt whsky's + TeXel single cask whisky's
whisky making is like time travel what is bottled today was created many years in the past and the spirit lay down in casks now is destined for many years in the future through time travelling to learn from the past and look to the future
almost half a century since 1981 a destination and meeting place for the devotee of vintage Scotch- & vintage- +TeXel vintage single cask whisky's
we did’t join the Scotch single malt whisky movement we startet it
discover the unique flavours of this impossible unrivalled collection take the time to nose, sip, savour, test, learn, improve, repeat
every single malt whisky is a reflection of place and is begotten by the soil, the air as well as man it gives enduring fame to the life of the place and its rhytm.
the authentic taste back to the real the origin
we look forward to your visit and recommend that you make an appointment in advance, to experience a tutored nosing & tasting session at 3 p.m. on reservation per person
please let me know when you would like to visit us and at which tutored nosing & tasting I can assist you in an one on one private guidance
booking a nosing & tasting can be made on + 31 – (0) 222 319360 and then mail your request and the chosen nosing & tasting to
adults only
Scotch single malt whisky
from a huge range of old & rare-, sometimes unique-, unrepeatable Scotch single malt-, Scotch single vintage-, Scotch cask strenght-, Scotch single cask-, Scotch single malt limited editions-, Scotch lost-, Scotch demolished distilleries & collectables, sometimes the last of a kind and never interchangeable
can take between one and three hours depending on the questions being ask to surprise and delight and forge for a valuable experience and memories
the iconic living cask the hidden gem
with more then 100 different Scotch single malt whiskies in one glass this Scotch single malt whiskies blended together is different every time you enjoy it carefully chosen topped up and then left to marry every glass unique
the island distillery De Lepelaar
the TeXel single cask whisky
strictly limited
unparalleled circular Wadden whisky crafted without compromise: TeXel single grain-, TeXel single malt-, TeXel single cask- TeXel single smoked malt- TeXel seaweed whiskies produced from barley, rye, wheat, oats, spelt, TeXelse Triticale and matured in different casks
made since 2013 when it started at distillery De Lepelaar in Den Hoorn, TeXel on the estate De Bonte Belevenis of Inge Yntema and Joscha Schoots who started the estate in August 2008
every single cask unique
the S. M. W. S.
strictly limited exclusive
heritage collection
Scotch single malt whiskies from the "old" Scotch Malt Whisky Society, The Vaults, Leith, Edinburgh and bottlings among others from the Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) from the famous owner Bernard Arnault era as the then owner of the S.M.W.S. a tribute to the classics
every single cask unique
the collectables
a historic collection of Scotch single malt whiskies from distilleries which sometimes no longer exist
each individually numbered bottle has revealed a most intriguing character, its individuality emphasised by a quirk peculiar to natural cask strenght bottlings.
so small has been each bottling run that every rare malt, drawn from casks, which naturally differ, has had its own unique strenght.
the rare malts selection: each unique to taste, give, collect and now, to remember with affection